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Three Tips For Reducing Back Strain To Maximize The Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Care

by Stella Robinson

If you receive regular chiropractic adjustments and you've noticed that your back starts to hurt again between appointments, you can examine your habits to see if you're putting undue stress on it. Keeping strain at a minimum can help you go longer without pain after each chiropractic visit. Try using these tips to reduce strain and help you minimize pain and stress between adjustments.

1. Be mindful of posture

Your posture during the day can have a big impact on your back. Slouching, slumping, or bending over frequently can increase the load your back has to carry and thus build up stress. This can introduce low-level back pain in addition to increasing the chances of damaging your spine. If you bend over frequently during work hours, try to find an alternative option such as kneeling or sitting while you perform the task. Be sure to lift correctly and not bend from the waist. If you sit in an office chair for hours each day, it may be worthwhile to invest in a lumbar support cushion. But equally important is your posture while you sleep. Be sure you use a mattress with sufficient support and ask your chiropractor for advice on the best pillow to use.

2. Work your core and back muscles

If your core muscles are strong, they can support your weight better, thus reducing the load your back has to deal with. Think of it as a natural back brace. Performing some simple core-strengthening exercises daily can greatly help with back strain. You should also remember to stretch daily, not leaving out your back muscles. This can help you limber up, decreasing overall tension throughout the day.

3. Reduce pain with heat

If you do experience back pain, be sure to counteract it as soon as it appears. This will give you a better chance of managing it before it gets out of hand. Use heat packs or ice to reduce pain (ice is especially important if you incur a strain or other injury). Heat packs can help muscles relax and release tension. It can help stressed-out muscles calm down, and it increases blood flow to help heal any damage that may have caused the pain. Ice works by doing the opposite; it decreases blood flow, but also reduces inflammation, which is why it works best on acute injuries. 

These tips can help you minimize any pain you typically experience between chiropractic visits. Remember, if you do suffer a new injury, don't suffer in silence. Call your chiropractor to arrange for a more urgent appointment. But in the meantime, use these three steps to help you intelligently manage your lifestyle for the reduction of back pain in order to maximize the effectiveness of your chiropractic adjustments.  
