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The Weather Is Warming Up: How To Protect Your Child When They're Allergic To Bees

by Stella Robinson

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, your kids will be wanting to spend more time outside. If your child has recently been diagnosed with bee sting allergies, this will be the start of a very stressful season. That's because the bees come out in full-force once the weather warms up. You don't want to make your child stay indoors until spring, but you don't want them exposed to bee sting worries either. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to protect your child while they're outside playing. Here are four things you can do to help your child avoid bee stings.

Try to Avoid Bushes

When it comes to bees, it's important to remember that they love to congregate around bushes, especially flowering ones. To help protect your child from bee stings, try to avoid the bushes whenever possible. Having your child play further into the middle of the yard, will reduce the contact they'll have with the bees. It's also a good idea to try and reduce the amount of bushes and shrubbery you have in your yard.

Keep Fragrances to a Minimum

If your child is allergic to bees, you'll need to keep fragrances to a minimum, especially when you're heading outside. Try to wash their clothing in scent-free detergent, especially floral or citrus scents that can attract bees. It's also important that you avoid wearing floral scented body sprays or deodorants, as those can attract bees as well. If you're going to be having a picnic, be sure to keep your fragrant foods under wraps. This will help keep the bees away from your picnic area.

Protect Your Child From the Feet Up

Kids love to go bare-footed during the summer. Unfortunately, that's a good way for them to get stung by a bee. You never know when they're going to step on a bee that's pulling the nectar out of a patch of clover. To prevent bee stings, protect your child from the feet up. Be sure they wear close-toed shoes whenever they head outside, especially when they'll be in the grass, or other areas where bees may be.

Keep Emergency Supplies on Hand

If your child is allergic to bees, you'll need to be prepared for an emergency at all times. Be sure to keep the necessary supplies with you whenever you head outside. If your child has been diagnosed with a severe allergy to bees, keep an epi-pen on you. If your child doesn't require an epi-pen, carry a supply of allergy medication with you wherever you go. You'll also need a pair of tweezers to help you quickly remove the stinger.
