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How Postmenopausal Fractures May Be Treated

by Stella Robinson

One of the scariest prospects for any woman after the onset of menopause is a fracture. This is especially the case when thinking about possibilities like damage to joints, hip injuries, or a vertebral fracture. If you've suffered a postmenopausal fracture, it's a good idea to learn about the available treatment options. Here are 5 choices you might end up discussing with a doctor.

Preventative Measures

It can feel a bit patronizing to hear about prevention after a fracture has occurred. Unfortunately, the occurrence of a fracture means that the prevention of future problems has become even more important.


One of the most common sets of osteoporosis treatments is the use of drugs meant to restore minerals to the bones. After a fracture has fully healed, your doctor will likely get you started on a drug regimen that includes mineral regrowth factors.

Modifying the Home

It's also a good idea to look at aging-in-place solutions in your home. This entails upgrading areas of your home where falls are more likely to help prevent fractures in the first place. The classic version of this is making changes to the bathroom to reduce slippage on tiles and to make getting in and out of showers and bathtubs simpler. Making a kitchen more navigable is important, and stairs and decks should be upgraded for safety, too.

Physical Therapy

Following an injury, you may have to get used to some changes in locomotion. Bones don't always heal perfectly, and it's also critical to not put too much pressure on them as they continue to recover. A therapist may be able to help you identify ways to handle daily tasks so as to reduce physical risks.

It's important to appreciate that 100% restoration of the bone condition is not possible. For this reason, try to embrace physical therapy as a path forward.


While doctors are often reluctant to push for surgery in situations where patients are already in less-than-ideal conditions, corrective measures may need to be taken to treat the issue. Surgery may include anything from the removal of bone fragments and spurs up to complete joint replacement. Sometimes, exploratory surgery is necessary just to make sure that more radical steps aren't required and that the bones are going to heal properly.

Unsurprisingly, many of these solutions are used in combination. You may need to have surgery, take a prescription and do physical therapy, for example. For more information about postmenopausal fracture treatments, contact a doctor.
