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Effective Lifestyle Interventions For A Loose Bladder

by Stella Robinson

Urinary incontinence is a common condition, affecting an estimated 25 to 45% of the population. The condition varies among people, and the severity can range from occasionally leaking urine to an explosive need to urinate when you sneeze or cough. Urinary incontinence is common in older adults, but it is not an inevitable consequence of old age. It is preventable by doing exercises, eating right, and visiting the doctor regularly for checkups. This condition can affect your ability to engage in daily activities, reducing your confidence and affecting your relationships. Below is a review of effective lifestyle interventions to curb urinary incontinence.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

The amount of caffeine you consume can determine urinary incontinence in the future. Drinks like cola, tea, and coffee contain varying levels of caffeine. Thus, it would help if you watch your intake of caffeine-containing fluids. Caffeine contributes to bladder irritation and inflammation, which can cause urinary incontinence. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means its consumption increases your passing of urine, aggravating a variety of bladder issues affecting urinary retention in your bladder. It is good to consult your doctor or nutritionist on the safe amounts of caffeine you can consume in a day. These professionals will give you a comprehensive meal plan comprising foods good for your bladder. 

Exercise Regularly

In some cases, urinary incontinence occurs due to weak pelvic floor muscles, reducing the ability of your bladder to hold urine. Moreover, when you suffer from obesity, you become prone to conditions such as UI and diabetes. When you regularly exercise, focus on pelvic floor exercises, strengthening your urine retention ability and eliminating unintentional leaks. The exercises are called Kegel exercises, benefiting both men and women. In addition to strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, regular exercises can help keep your weight in check. Thus, patients should talk to a healthcare professional to get the most out of their physical exercise sessions. 

Change your Bathroom Habits

Urinary incontinence can also be addressed through positive bathroom habits. Do not hold urine in when pressed because it may deteriorate your bladder. Regularly holding your urine in can lead to weaker bladder muscles. You will also develop bladder infections which can cause urinary incontinence. Stronger bladder muscles are more likely to hold urine in longer than worn ones. Also, in the bathroom, try as much as possible to relax the muscles around your bladder, making it easy to urinate. Sit on the toilet or crouch to reduce the stress on your bladder muscles when you go, which happens when you hover over the toilet seat.
