Eye Care: The Wonders of Technology

  • Hyper Cat? 3 Calming Strategies That Will Make Living With Your Pesky Feline Much Easier

    7 July 2015

    If your cat goes berserk at certain times of the day, such as late at night or early morning, they are not trying to drive you crazy. They are only acting on their instincts. You see, cats have innate predatory instincts that might cause them to chase imaginary mice, jump off the walls, steal your prized possessions or knock everything off the counter. They are not wild; some cats just have a stronger desire to play and chase, which may be at odds with your sleep schedule.

  • Low On Cash? Two Tips To Help You Get Dental Implant Surgery

    1 July 2015

    If you have missing, cracked or otherwise damaged teeth, dental implant surgery is the perfect way for you to obtain a smile you can be proud of.  But, for some people, implant surgery may seem out of reach.  The average cost of a single dental implant ranges anywhere from $1000 to $3000 dollars, and, since the procedure is considered cosmetic, many insurance companies will not cover these costs.  However, you don't have to settle for a smile that you're ashamed of; use this information to learn more about how you can get dental implant surgery when you're short on cash.

  • Immaculate Degeneration: What It Is And How You Can Treat It

    15 June 2015

    Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among middle-aged adults and the elderly. There are two types of macular degeneration: dry and wet. Here is what dry and wet macular degeneration is and what you can do to try to minimize the effects of the disease. Dry Macular Degeneration Dry macular degeneration (DMD) occurs when the tissue on the back wall of your eye behind the retina begins to deteriorate.

  • Why Is There Pain Behind Your Eye?

    1 June 2015

    If you have been experiencing pain behind your eye, it could be due to a variety of different conditions. These causes could range from headaches to needing new eyeglasses. Here are some of the common reasons why you might have pain behind your eyes: Issues With Vision A very common reason to have pain behind your eyes is experiencing vision problems. If you haven't seen your optometrist in a while, now is the time to schedule a visit.

  • How Can I Tell If My Baby's Eyes Are Crossed?

    16 May 2015

    Babies begin life with eyes that are not nearly as coordinated and developed as the eyes of an adult. Just like the other parts of their body, newborns are still learning to use their eyes. Their eye muscles are not as strong, and their brains aren't as adept at using those muscles. Up through about four months of age, some eye-crossing is normal. At times, your baby's eyes may look crossed, and at other times, they may seem to be in line.

  • Wanderlust: Keeping Alzheimer's Patients Safe

    30 April 2015

    The loss of memory that characterizes Alzheimer's disease can often result in the desire to wander. In fact, research shows that three out of every five Alzheimer's care patients will wander at some point. Patients with Alzheimer's could sustain serious injury during an episode of wandering, so taking precautions to keep them safe is important. If you are the primary caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease, here are three tactics you can use to keep your loved one safe:

  • Maintain A Youthful Appearance Safely And Thoroughly - Advantages Of Fractional Resurfacing

    23 April 2015

    For many people, the process of aging means struggling with the way your physical appearance changes. While this may sound vain, the truth is that some of those changes can be detrimental to your health. Other people may have their livelihoods affected by those changes. If you're looking to take steps to decrease the effects of aging, it's important that you stay informed. Below, you'll find a guide to some of the advantages of fractional resurfacing laser rejuvenation therapy.