Eye Care: The Wonders of Technology

  • When Should You Go To Urgent Care For A Cut?

    21 April 2021

    Not every cut needs professional medical attention. For a minor cut, you can typically just apply some antibiotic cream and a Band-Aid, and let the wound heal on its own. More serious cuts, however, often do require treatment. An urgent care center is a great place to have your cuts treated since the wait tends to be a lot shorter than at the emergency room. But how do you know you need to head to urgent care for a cut?

  • Preparing For Your Appointment At A Medical Imaging Center

    18 March 2021

    Medical diagnostics can be instrumental in allowing your conditions, disease, and injuries to be effectively diagnosed so that a treatment plan can be created. When you have an appointment at a medical imaging center, being prepared for this experience can help to reduce some of the stress that you may experience from this appointment. Minimize The Metallic Accessories And Clothing Items That You Wear Many of the medical scans that you may have to undergo will be vulnerable to interference from metallic items.

  • Often-Dismissed Signs You Need To Make An Appointment At The Vein Clinic

    9 February 2021

    Many people think of vein clinics as places people visit when they have large, bulging varicose veins. These clinics are often seen as cosmetic practices, where doctors restore patients' legs to a smoother, less-veiny look. However, varicose veins are just one vein problem that these clinics treat — and even varicose veins are not purely a cosmetic issue. If you're struggling with any of these often-overlooked problems, then you should really make an appointment at a vein clinic.

  • Physical Therapy Can Be Different For Women

    4 January 2021

    Male and female bodies are different, so why would you expect your physical therapy not to reflect this? For many women, physical therapy addresses a variety of conditions that primarily impact women. For example, women often come to physical therapy to learn more about addressing pelvic floor issues. So, how does physical therapy differ for women compared to men? These are some of the things physical therapy will address that are more specific to the female body.

  • Four Benefits Of LASIK Eye Surgery Worth Your Consideration

    30 November 2020

    Being dependent on eyeglasses or contact lenses can be a burden on those who have vision problems. For some, eyeglasses can be cumbersome or affect how they look cosmetically. Others don't want the additional care that is needed when using contact lenses. Due to these factors, laser vision correction as an ideal solution to patients with vision problems. What Is Laser Vision Correction? Laser vision correction is commonly referred to as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery.

  • When Should You Get Tested For Covid-19?

    30 October 2020

    COVID-19 is a very real and very serious pandemic affecting the entire world, and although it's been around for several months now, there are still a number of questions concerning this virus. One of the questions you may have asked yourself is when should you go and get tested. With the symptoms presenting like a cold, allergies, the flu, or even a sinus infection, you may question if you have COVID-19.

  • 3 Things That Can Trigger Atopic Dermatitis

    30 September 2020

    Atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, is a challenging skin condition that causes raised, scaly, dry skin. While common in children, adults can also struggle with recurrent dermatitis, especially if they aren't familiar with their individual triggers. Here are three different things that can trigger atopic dermatitis in kids and adults.  1. Food Allergies Trying new foods can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but unfortunately, it can also trigger allergic reactions in some people.