Eye Care: The Wonders of Technology

  • What You Should Know About Treating A Retinoblastoma

    2 February 2016

    If you have a child that has been having trouble with their eyes, such as disturbances in their vision or even pain or pressure in or behind their eyes, you may assume that they just need glasses or have some kind of head cold or sinus issue. However, if you go to your child's eye doctor for an eye exam and they end up receiving a diagnosis of a retinoblastoma, you may be confused as how to handle the situation.

  • 4 Signs Your Child Might Need Vision Therapy

    25 January 2016

    When it comes to your child's health, there are probably many things that immediately spring to your mind. This might include everything from the chances of catching a cold to their safety in an automobile. One thing that tends to slip parents' minds is the fact that they might be at risk for having a vision deficiency. It can occasionally be difficult to know what to look for in a vision-impaired child.

  • Reducing The Pain While Recovering From Knee Surgery

    14 January 2016

    Your knee will be weak and stiff when you get home from the hospital after major knee surgery. Your doctor will have you rest for several days before starting physical therapy on the knee. Once you begin, the muscles and tendons in your knee affected by the surgery will ache as you stretch them out and strengthen them. You will have some pain, but you have several ways to manage that pain so you can have a comfortable recovery at home.

  • Three Treatment Options For Foot Supination

    30 December 2015

    Foot supination is a condition that causes a person to walk on the outside of the foot, causing the foot and ankle to roll inward. This can cause poor posture, stress on joints and back pain. Fortunately, there are a few options to treat supination and improve your gait. Here are a few things you can do to begin walking without your foot and ankle rolling inward.  Daily Exercises Your daily trip to the gym may actually be just what the doctor ordered to correct foot supination.

  • Walk-In Tubs Buyer's Guide

    14 December 2015

    If you have an elderly family member or someone with special needs, the risk of slipping and falling in the tub or shower can be especially daunting. With a walk-in bathtub, there is less chance of falling since they won't have to step up and over the lip of the tub to get in. Before you purchase a walk-in tub for your home or theirs, here are some helpful tips to make your purchasing process easier and to help ensure that you choose the right options.

  • 5 Celebrities With Heart Rhythm Problems

    29 November 2015

    Heart rhythm problems usually cause the heart to beat irregularly. This can lead to fatigue, shortness of breath, and even a heart attack. Sometimes strokes can occur because blood clots can form from the blood not being pumped out of the heart correctly. This is a condition that affects lots of people, including celebrities. Read on to find out who. Dick Cheney Dick Cheney is the former vice president of the United States and has struggled with heart rhythm problems since he was 37 years old when he had his first heart attack.

  • 5 Tips For Managing Eczema

    9 November 2015

    Eczema does not just look unattractive; it can also be itchy and painful. If you were just diagnosed with this skin condition, you may wonder how you will manage it. Although there is no no cure for eczema yet, you can still live a very normal life. Here are five helpful tips for managing eczema: 1. Manage Extreme Temperatures in Your House When you have eczema, you have to worry about extreme changes in weather even more.