24 February 2023
Spinal stenosis is an orthopedic condition that causes the narrowing or constriction of your spinal canal. It can be caused by the aging process, arthritic conditions, injuries, certain bone disorders, and bulging or herniated discs. The narrowing of your spinal cord can cause the compression of one or more nerves in your or near your spinal cord. Symptoms of spinal stenosis may include back pain, weakness in your arms, back, and legs, and numbness and tingling sensations.
18 January 2023
While the transgender community is beginning to gain access to services and resources, there are still gaps in the healthcare system that can create barriers for transgender individuals. Here is a breakdown of essential transgender healthcare services every transgender person should have access to. Mental Health Services Mental health services are essential for any individual, but especially so for transgender people. Transgender people experience high levels of anxiety, depression, and self-harm due to the systemic transphobia they face on a daily basis.
15 December 2022
Depression is one of the most significant long-term mental health issues affecting people globally. It is a complex mood condition that causes insistent feelings of sadness and disinterest, affecting your mental and physical well-being. If you feel depressed or know someone undergoing a depressive episode, consider making an appointment with a mental health professional for timely depression treatment. These professionals may help you or your loved one to speak about their issues; as a result, they may assess your triggers and find better coping techniques to alleviate the symptoms.
21 October 2022
For many mothers, the physical changes that occur during and after pregnancy can be difficult to accept. No matter how hard you try, there is a stubborn little pooch that won't go away. The good news is that options are available to help you regain your pre-baby body. One such option is a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes added fat and excess skin from the abdomen and, in some cases, strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall.
3 October 2022
Removing body hair can be one of the self-care tasks that you will have to do the most frequently. To assist individuals with this need, there are laser hair removal treatment procedures that can be used to make managing unwanted body hair a much simpler task. Laser Hair Removal Treatments Can Provide Long-Lasting Benefits To People Undergoing laser hair removal treatments can be a solution that will provide you with many long-lasting benefits.
30 August 2022
COVID-19 has been making headlines for years, and as you may already know, doing a COVID test can help you figure out if you have this common virus. However, taking or administering a COVID-19 test can be a bit tricky if you haven't done one before. Whether you're testing yourself, a loved one, or a patient, here are five tips to help ensure the test for COVID-19 goes smoothly. 1) Use your nose
27 July 2022
Visiting the doctor on a routine basis is one of the most critical ways for you to maintain your health. Your physician is there to not only discover and diagnose diseases but also to provide you with pertinent information that can help you lead an overall better life. When you decide to grow your family you might think it's best to have separate doctors for you and your spouse and a different practitioner for your children.